Dataset from a meta-analysis of experimental studies on the effect of money primes on a variety of psychological and behavioral outcomes, in which some studies were preregistered (Lodder et al. 2019).
A data frame with 287 rows and 4 variables:
Code identifying the study
Point estimate on the Hedges' g scale
Variance of point estimate
Logical indicating whether study was preregistered
Lodder P, Ong HH, Grasman RPPP, Wicherts JM (2019). “A comprehensive meta-analysis of money priming.” Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 148(4), 688.
Lodder P, Ong HH, Grasman RPPP, Wicherts JM (2020). “A comprehensive meta-analysis of money priming.” OSF.
Fits right-truncated meta-analysis (RTMA), a bias correction for the joint effects of p-hacking (i.e., manipulation of results within studies to obtain significant, positive estimates) and traditional publication bias (i.e., the selective publication of studies with significant, positive results) in meta-analyses. This method analyzes only nonaffirmative studies (i.e., those with significant, positive estimates). You can pass all studies in the meta-analysis or only the nonaffirmative ones; if the former, the function will still analyze only the nonaffirmative ones.
phacking_meta( yi, vi, sei, favor_positive = TRUE, alpha_select = 0.05, ci_level = 0.95, stan_control = list(adapt_delta = 0.98, max_treedepth = 20), parallelize = TRUE )
phacking_meta( yi, vi, sei, favor_positive = TRUE, alpha_select = 0.05, ci_level = 0.95, stan_control = list(adapt_delta = 0.98, max_treedepth = 20), parallelize = TRUE )
yi |
A vector of point estimates to be meta-analyzed. |
vi |
A vector of estimated variances (i.e., squared standard errors) for the point estimates. |
sei |
A vector of estimated standard errors for the point estimates.
(Only one of |
favor_positive |
alpha_select |
Alpha level at which an estimate's probability of being favored by publication bias is assumed to change (i.e., the threshold at which study investigators, journal editors, etc., consider an estimate to be significant). |
ci_level |
Confidence interval level (as proportion) for the corrected
point estimate. (The alpha level for inference on the corrected point
estimate will be calculated from |
stan_control |
List passed to |
parallelize |
Logical indicating whether to parallelize sampling. |
An object of class metabias::metabias()
, a list containing:
A tibble with one row per study and the columns
, vi
, sei
, affirm
A list with the elements favor_positive
, alpha_select
, ci_level
, tcrit
, k
, k_affirmative
, k_nonaffirmative
, optim_converged
indicates whether the optimization to find
the posterior mode converged.
A tibble with two rows and the columns
, mode
, median
, mean
, se
, ci_lower
, ci_upper
, n_eff
, r_hat
. We recommend reporting the mode
for the point estimate; median
and mean
posterior medians and means respectively.
A stanfit
object (the result of fitting the RTMA model).
Mathur MB (2022). “Sensitivity analysis for p-hacking in meta-analyses.” doi:10.31219/
# passing all studies, though only nonaffirmative ones will be analyzed money_priming_rtma <- phacking_meta(money_priming_meta$yi, money_priming_meta$vi, parallelize = FALSE)
# passing all studies, though only nonaffirmative ones will be analyzed money_priming_rtma <- phacking_meta(money_priming_meta$yi, money_priming_meta$vi, parallelize = FALSE)
Compute theoretical and empirical CDFs for a right-truncated meta-analysis
rtma |
Output of |
A tibble with the columns yi
(effect sizes), cdfi
(their fitted CDF) and ecdfi
(their empirical CDF).
A data frame with the CDF derived from a metabias object.
Mathur MB (2022). “Sensitivity analysis for p-hacking in meta-analyses.” doi:10.31219/
money_priming_rtma <- phacking_meta(money_priming_meta$yi, money_priming_meta$vi, parallelize = FALSE) rtma_cdf(money_priming_rtma)
money_priming_rtma <- phacking_meta(money_priming_meta$yi, money_priming_meta$vi, parallelize = FALSE) rtma_cdf(money_priming_rtma)
To assess the fit of right-truncated meta-analysis and possible violations of its distributional assumptions, plots the fitted cumulative distribution function (CDF) of the published nonaffirmative estimates versus their empirical CDF. If the points do not adhere fairly closely to a 45-degree line, the right-truncated meta-analysis may not fit adequately.
rtma |
Output of |
A ggplot2 object representing quantile-quantile plot.
money_priming_rtma <- phacking_meta(money_priming_meta$yi, money_priming_meta$vi, parallelize = FALSE) rtma_qqplot(money_priming_rtma)
money_priming_rtma <- phacking_meta(money_priming_meta$yi, money_priming_meta$vi, parallelize = FALSE) rtma_qqplot(money_priming_rtma)
Plots the Z-scores of all published point estimates. When p-hacking favors affirmative estimates over nonaffirmative estimates, as our methods and others assume, Z-scores may disproportionately concentrate just above the critical value (e.g., 1.96). Importantly, the presence of p-hacking does not guarantee a concentration of Z-scores just above the critical value, so it is prudent to proceed with the fitting RTMA even if no such concentration is apparent. In contrast, if Z-scores also concentrate just below the critical value, or if they also concentrate below the sign-reversed critical value (e.g., -1.96), this could indicate forms of p-hacking that violate the assumptions of RTMA.
z_density(yi, vi, sei, alpha_select = 0.05, crit_color = "red")
z_density(yi, vi, sei, alpha_select = 0.05, crit_color = "red")
yi |
A vector of point estimates to be meta-analyzed. |
vi |
A vector of estimated variances (i.e., squared standard errors) for the point estimates. |
sei |
A vector of estimated standard errors for the point estimates.
(Only one of |
alpha_select |
Alpha level at which an estimate's probability of being favored by publication bias is assumed to change (i.e., the threshold at which study investigators, journal editors, etc., consider an estimate to be significant). |
crit_color |
Color for line and text are critical z-score. |
A ggplot2 object representing a Z-score density plot.
z_density(money_priming_meta$yi, money_priming_meta$vi)
z_density(money_priming_meta$yi, money_priming_meta$vi)